
Agteks continued its journey that it started in 1992 with Twisting/Covering machines. Agteks, currently serving with thousands of machines in more than 70 countries, serves not only the textile sector, but also the automotive, medical, construction, education, space, aviation, chemistry, defense industry and etc. With the R&D studies carried out with Agteks products in these sectors, significant contributions are made to the reduction of environmental pollution, development in the fields of safety and health, and improvement of the economy.

It continues to direct the new products and technologies to be released in the future with its machines for Smart Textile and Technical textile, whose importance has been increasing in recent years and whose development studies have accelerated. It enables twisting and covering processes of carbon, glass, metal, aramid yarns, which are very important for the technical textile industry, with maximum efficiency and zero friction.

Agteks aims to lead the future textile technologies in line with Industry 4.0 with yarn twisting/covering machines and online quality control systems it has developed and produced. Nowadays, water, dyestuff, fabric, yarn, etc., which are wasted in textile production processes, the materials used in textile production or the final products themselves have been considerably reduced with smart quality control scanners and sensors. Set out with the motto of less waste for the environment, more efficient use of energy, and obtaining the maximum from production, Agteks continues its strategy on sustainability.
